Power what everyone wants, be it a child in a classroom, or an adult in an office, or a teenager in the baseball court. We all crave power insensibly, without really understanding what power entails, the many responsibilities a person holding power has to do. The ups and downs of handling power, the many critics and expectations you get, the people you have to report to on the use of power. We all want to be powerful!!! Don’t we?
Yes, power is every student's craving, I would want to be powerful academically, and socially, I want to be world known for my academic performance and creative ideas. I want to sit on the citadel of power and push buttons and see people work for me as subordinates and as co-workers. It doesn’t matter how long, I know I would get there by God’s special grace. Amen.
It just hurts when after we have craved for power for so long, and we finally get it we abuse it, we mismanage it and fail to plan properly for the use of power. We use power ineffectively. I feel I have abused power when I underestimate a person or talk ill of them because of my position over them, I want to be a powerful woman who doesn’t ride her subordinates but loves them tries her best to show them love, and treat them equally. It sounds impossible though because in my drive to treat everyone equally I might get no respect and may even lose my power.
I have attained some kind of power in my life due to my academic performance, somewhat it has made me stand out, and also my inborn marketing skills. I could market a dog’s pop. I would tell you the so many unnoticed attributes of it, I would convince you that the smell is awful but awesome, how it would be good to spread it on your green and the result is out of this world. I am so good at that, and also my fast typing skills have made me distinct where ever I go and the need for a good, fast typist is needed. It just shines so brightly and I am overly missed and wanted back when I leave because no one does the job as good as I would.
I have attained some sort of power also because of my rapport with people, be it familiar faces or not. I just don't know how to keep calm if I see something beautiful on a person I would start a conversation, I would start a topic of discussion and over time I have gathered some sort of popularity and respect for myself. Not so good though, because whenever things fail to happen as planned and the outcome is not good the news spread like wildfire and it just irritates me so much. With power comes respect, popularity, joy, and sometimes reproach, I know my good spirit has made me some friends which attracted power because ceaseless times people would say “Rotimi you have a good spirit” keep it up and all that, those words keep me going and it provides me with the strength I need when all falls and things fail me. I have discovered I have an agreeable-behaviour and I can work well with anyone and everyone so long we have headed the same direction and willing to get the same goal out of what brings us together.
I have developed this motive that I should always win in whatever project I embark on, if the least happens I know I tried at least. I always work with the mindset that I should not fail any project am working on be it a small quiz or a big graduate test, whatever it maybe I always want to win, it has helped me shield my mind towards positivity and success. Great things start from small beginnings and hence it’s very possible for me to start small and be discouraged but because I know where I see myself, the power I have imagined to possess it keeps me going and I won’t just stop for a second or be discouraged I am so determined for success that my dreams scare me. My dreams are just too big a dream to be thought of by anyone or even a group of individuals who brainstorm.
CONCLUSION: I have been given power and over time I become influential in any environment I find myself in, it could be an office, a classroom, a church or sports team. It just happens that I gain power subconsciously and I use it well and effective funny enough, I got those remarks from friends and loved ones that I am a good leader and am looked up to and am their mentor and this and that. Holding on to these I try so hard not to mess with the power I am being given or mismanage it and whenever I feel I have failed to use my power effectively and efficiently well I always take steps back and check my ways again on where I have gone wrong and where I should focus on that is having faults. In doing so I have been able to finish well and beautifully to the Glory of Lord I have attained listless leadership positions.
Published originally 1/27/2015 6:00PM